Mrs. Chai graduated from Wellesley College with a Bachelor’s degree in English in 2002. After considering a career in law, she followed her inspiring high school English teacher’s footsteps and decided to pursue a career in the classroom. She completed her Master’s degree in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University in 2005.
She taught Language Arts and history at a private middle school in New York City for two years, in addition to instructing an Asian-American Studies course at Hunter College-CUNY. After moving to New Jersey, she taught sixth and seventh grade English for five years, while serving as faculty advisor to the student literary magazine. She has also privately tutored middle school and high school students for eight years, focusing on critical literary analysis, analytical writing, and admissions essay writing and test preparation.
Mrs. Chai moved to Texas in 2018 with her husband and two daughters. In her free time, she enjoys watching basketball and football with her family, making homemade Korean food, exploring new books in middle school literature, and playing with her two sweet daughters and her family’s rather naughty bunny, Auggie.